Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Turkish Get Ups - 5 Sets of 3 with each arm, increase weight each round.
Shoulder Press - 5 Sets of 3

Every minute on the minute one pull-up and one hand stand push up increasing one rep of each minute every minute. Once you can no longer complete all reps of both pull-ups and hand stand push ups within the given minute continue just doing pull-ups.  Once you can no longer complete the pull-ups in the given minute the workout is over.

Minute 1
1 - Pull-up
1 - Hand Stand Push Up
Minute 2
2 - Pull-ups
2 - HSPU
Minute 3
3 - Pull-ups
3 - HSPU
Once you can no longer complete both movements in the given minute continue doing the pull-ups.
Ex: Minute 10
10 - Pull-ups
Minute 11
11 - Pull-ups

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